Saturday, August 6, 2016

Mom's B-Day

Hey Everyone,
To celebrate Mom’s birthday, we would like to have an adults only, sibling & partner dinner on Sunday, September 4th at 5:00 PM at the condo.  Mom would like to have the following menu:
  • Spaghetti
  • Garlic Bread
  • Salad
I will make the spaghetti sauce, but we will need some volunteers for the following:
  • Appetizers - Tricia, ???
  • Pasta - Tricia
  • Garlic Bread -  Sandy
  • Green Salad ingredients (I will bring our HUGE metal bowl and we can assemble the salad on site):
  • Lettuce - Rachel & Tricia
  • Tomatoes -  Rachel
  • Cucumbers -  Rachel 
  • Croutons - JD
  • Salad Dressings - Ranch (Rachel), other (Clark)
  • Desserts - Adam (Mom's Favorite Peach Pie), ???
Alma will help Dad set up for the dinner.

Like with the Mom’s Day celebration, I will post this on my blog (yes, driving a ton of traffic).  Please let me know what you would like to bring by either texting me or posting a comment on the blog.
Thanks everyone!

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