Friday, November 1, 2013

Already November? WTF?

Halloween yesterday...and no chili leftovers to be found...damn!
I would have thought that 9 lbs of meat would at least last a little while but every year I'm surprised for some reason.
Another recipe that is requested a lot is my Bloody Mary Mix:

 Recipe can be cut in half very easily…
 2 large cans Tomato Juice (just the basic Campbell’s Tomato Juice)

1 Ten oz. bottle Worcestershire Sauce
1 Ten oz. bottle A-1
10 shakes Tabasco (to taste)
10 shakes Celery Salt
1 tsp. Horseradish (to taste)
Fresh ground black pepper (to taste)
Juice of ¼ fresh lemon and lime (to taste)

In a one gallon container, shake all ingredients listed above until well mixed.  Serve over ice with your choice of accompaniments:
- Pickled Asparagus
- Celery stalks
- Stuffed green olives- bleu cheese, pimentos, garlic, etc.
- Lemon wedge
- Lime wedge
- Whatever else sounds good…
This mix is great with regular Vodka, but goes very well with a citrus or pepper Vodka also.

Whenever I can, I'll post some stuff that has worked for me/us and is pretty damn tasty if I do say so my damn self.

Jules met me today to have lunch after we picked up the Tahoe at the dealer.  We went to Mimi's - OK food, I remember the French Onion Soup being better and the French Dip w/onions, peppers and shrooms was OK.  Julie liked her chopped salad.  Food was marginal, but the company was spectacular and it was great to do that again with my beautiful wife.
Tonight is the Onset Financial Anniversary Party at Jupiter Bowl.  The last few we have been to have been fun, and I don't expect anything less this evening.  Can't tell you how much better it is to arrive, attend and leave these events SOBER!  Holy shit, what a difference!

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