I would like to say I'm back after a well deserved hiatus or that I have been too busy to post anything, but that would be a crock of shit...I forgot my password and just recently found it among a bunch of stuff in my desk drawer at the office. Oh well, at least I'm back for a minute.
There are a couple of things I would like to chronicle:
- Recipes and the processes I use to create food
- My weight loss/workout/health and fitness
- Sobriety
Let's face it, for years and years my life has centered around food of all kinds. About 15 years of that part of my life were dedicated to food and the drink that 'enhances' it, fortunately that was just part of my experience.
Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area provided me with many opportunities to try foods that were of many differing ethnic backgrounds and qualities.
Traveling extensively has also afforded me opportunities I wouldn't have had otherwise.
I think maybe I will begin a cookbook of sorts through this, chronicling what and how I prepare and serve not only food, but meals that not only feed the stomach but the eyes and possibly even the soul as well (corny huh?)
Since Julie doesn't like ham, for Easter I made a Grilled Salmon with Wild Rice and Steamed Asparagus with a dipping sauce:
Salmon Marinade
I use large fillets of Salmon (2+ pounds), skin on, when I grill this family favorite.
Heat a clean grill on high to about 400ยบ, and oil grill lightly before putting fish on.
The "marinade" should only be on the fish for about an hour before grilling. Any longer and the salt and citrus will cook it and make the meat tough and dry.
Apply to the flesh side of the fish:
Lawry's Seasoning
Lemon Pepper/Mrs. Dash
Dried Parsley Flakes
Lemon/Lime Zest
Juice of 1/2 Lemon/Lime - Fresh
Fresh Chives - cut into 1/8 in. pieces
Spritz of Beer (MGD or the like) to lightly coat
Drizzle of Olive Oil to lightly cover
Lightly cover with plastic wrap and allow to sit for a while. After fish has marinated, remove plastic and place, skin side down, on the grill. Grill salmon (lid down) on skin side for about 3 minutes, then flip to flesh side down. Allow to cook for another 3 minutes. Flip again and 'test' for doneness. Depending on the thickness of the fillet, it could use another minute or so. When pressed with your finger, flesh should have some slight resistance but not be hard to the touch (overdone). Remove salmon from grill, put on a serving platter and tent with foil for about 6-7 minutes.
Serve with lemon wedges and enjoy!
'Special Sauce' Steamed Veggie Dipping Sauce
This sauce is a go-to for all steamed veggies, especially when some kids don't like them (broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, etc.) I don't know of anyone who has tried this for the first time and been able to tell me the ingredients.
In a bowl, whisk together (with a fork or a wisk):
1/2 cup Mayonnaise
1+ teaspoon Light Soy Sauce
The sauce should be just about a light khaki color. If necessary, add more of either of the ingredients to get the taste you want. This should be refrigerated if prepared in advance.